Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dehydrated Flax Seed Crackers

This is a Raw or living food recipe that is addictive as well. I had some crackers similar to this at a restaurant and have found a few recipes that I have tried and this is how I have modified them for myself.

3/4 C. golden flax seeds
3/4 C. brown flax seeds
  • Soak flax seeds in 2 1/2 C H2O for 4 hrs until thick and gooey

1/2 C raw sunflower seeds
  • Soak sunflower seeds for 4-12 hrs in 1/2 C H2O

2 Tomatos
2 stalks of celery
1 Tbsp soy sauce (even try only a tsp of this for less salty version
1/4 C. chopped fresh herbs like parsley, thyme, basil, chives, oregano
3-4 leaves of chopped fresh mint (makes everything taste better in small quantities)
1 tsp of fresh lemon juice
1/2 C. sprouts of your choice
  • Process all these in a food processor until smooth
1-2 finely grated carrots that you stir into the batter at the end (optional)
  • mix the smooth batter with the seeds and carrots and stir well
  • spread thinly on Teflex dehydrator sheet (or on a piece of wax paper or parchment paper if you don't have the dehydrator sheet)
there are two dehydrating options.
  1. dehydrate at 115 degrees for 6 hours then gently peel it of the Teflex sheet and flip it over onto dying screen for the remaining 6 hours. Dehydrate longer if not quite dry.
  2. dehydrate at 105 degrees for 18 hours then slowly peel it of the dehydrator sheet flip it and finish dehydrating it on the drying screen for another 6 hrs. Once again dry it longer if not quite finished.
Why the difference in the drying temp? Well avid "living foodies" feel that anything above 116 degrees kills the nutrients in food so you try to stay below that level and 115 degrees gets too close to 116. I f you don't care about that and you just like the flavor of these crackers then dry them at 115 degrees to save time.

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